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Sunday, September 5, 2010


There are SOOOO Many supposed "Episode Info" descriptions floating around, I don't know what to really post.

SO here is just a summary of what I believe is the truth...

The girls go to Jamaica (this we already know)
Kristen and Kayleigh (not Lea) get into an argument, that sends Kayleigh packing.

Then we have Brandi going Psychotic, because Lea has a Threesome with Danielle and some guy (this is true...we know How Brandi loves Lea)

Next we have another new girl arriving, BUT instead of her leaving as soon as she arrives (like earlier info suggested) she goes crazy on the girls for their hazing her.

Then later we have Kristen, possibly going to JAIL, for drunkenly attacking Erica!!!
Later she gets out of Jail, and invites her friend "Bridgette" over to help her cope.
Then Later after Kristen annoys the other girls to a breaking point, Lea beats her ass (Kristen's).

Then Brandi loses it, and Her and Danielle go in on each other, resulting in a violent, bloody fight!!

Lea and Kristen make amends after their fight, but THEN another "Jersey-Shore" type roommate arrives....soo...I guess that means either the other new girl DID leave, or either Brandi or Danielle left after their fight... hmm...

Then All 10 girls reunite at the photoshoot, but things don't go well when gossiping and true colors are shown.

Later Erica wants Kristen to be disciplined for her attack against her (Erica).

And then Cat goes against new girl, Ashlea. when she tries to become The Baddest Bitch in the house.
And Opposing Alliances begin to form between ALL of the girls.

seems like this season is going to be getting ALOT crazier, and more entertaining... NICE !!!

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