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Friday, February 4, 2011

RenegadeStarr Interview With Stacey Williams

RenegadeStarr - So Stacey whats going on with this Bad Girls Club drama? You seemed upset today?

Stacey - Well about 2 years ago, I started working for Bunim/Murray Productions, The first few months, Could Say a year were great, But the team i was working with (which also worked with Bad girls club) all started to become fake, But i still just carried on and got on with work, I was told that if a fake account was made to encourage people to believe i was in the bad girls club 6 and do some other things which i would rather not say, i would be offered a place as a replacement on the bad girls club, I thought that this would be a great way to start off a career in television and me being a dumb bitch belived them, Bottom line i got screwed over and fired, So after de-activating this account i decided to come back and reveal a few secrets.

RenegadeStarr - Wow, I'm completely shocked. I wanna point something out real quick when you mentioned "other things" I know what you mean and seeing past some of the girls get called out for doing that stuff and look so trashy. Seems like Bad Girls Club is turning into the prostitution club. Definitely not a good look.
With getting fired do you regret working with them at all or are you glad you got something out of this?

Stacey - I know it seems to have turned into the suck dick to get in club, And yeah i defonatly learned alot, About trusting people and who you can and cant trust, I learned alot about the saying ' Keep your friends close, And your enemys close' And dont regret it, I know alot of things that i could put on the blast about bad girls club and They know that i have, So i hope they understand that they have pissed off a real bad girl ;)

RenegadeStarr - LoL man I finally have found someone who agrees that this club is not a very clean club. I'm glad to hear that somethin' positive came from this experience.
Now that a REAL Bad Girl has been pissed off what kind of Bad Girl are you or A.K.A. what makes you a Bad Girl?

Stacey - I know right! im the kind of bad girl that will youse your insecurities against you, A bad girl that will ruin lives, One that will make you wish you was never born, Who need to fight when you can easily fuck somones life up.

RenegadeStarr - Wow!!! Definitely a bad girl in my book! I wont mess with ya. Now Im gonna back track a bit how exactly did you get fired? Im very curious was it because you wouldn't do the other things?

Stacey - haha. Errrrrrrrrm you hit the nail on the head, Im im guessing you know what the other things are.

RenegadeStarr - AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i seeeeeeee. Interesting lol. Now we can switch to a new topic and leave "other things" behind us LOL.
So I saw this morning you were giving names of replacements on BGC6 what was that all about? Do you like any of the girls from BGC6 or any of the replacements?

Stacey - lol, And know i do not, I dont like any girls from bad girls club their all selfcentered little hoes, all about them selfs and walk around thinking their shit dont stink, That why i exposed a few of season 7's sluts

RenegadeStarr - LMAO to funny, So you dont like any of the seasons besides 6 not 1,2,3,4, or 5??
Lol and im guessin Season 7's girls are instead of #UpToNoGood there up to "Other Things". The girls
get worse and worse.

Stacey - The only girl i like is Tanisha, Because shes real she knows what shes about, And suprisenly season 7 isnt as slutty :/ their still sluts, Just not as bad.

RenegadeStarr - Ya everyone likes Tanisha. Shes doesn't play either (Real Bad Girl Bad).

Me personally my top favorites would be Tanisha, Flo, Tiffany, Natalie, and Erica. Theres more but I'm not gonna name them all haha.

Nice, not all sluts in BGC7 thats something new.

How Exactly did you start working for Bunim/Murray?

Stacey - I contacting Them whilst they were looking for workers, I went or a interview and got it.

RenegadeStarr - ok, ok.

Now on to something more interesting whats something you know about Bad Girls Club that would probably shock us viewers that we wouldn't know? or wouldn't expect?

Stacey - Ermm im not sure? In every series theres over like 10 fights, And the production think its right to cut 5 so viewers dont get to bored of the fighting, On series 5 they cut the beach scene and Catya got into it more then that time.

RenegadeStarr - Oh so that beach brawl with Catya, Lea and Kristen had more to it than what we saw?

Stacey - Yep There was anouther camara angle which was better for the bit of the fight shown to, Not alot of people notice when Kristen punches the girl in the face, And Cat really fucked the girl up. And also that wasnt the end of it, After walking off of the beach a girl got into a argument with Cat and the other girls boyfriend pushed the girl into cat then they fought you can see a tiny bit of it in the super trailor i think

RenegadeStarr - wow idk why they woudnt of showed that i would of loved to see that. That explains alot because Brandi at the reunion said "Cat moped those bitches up that day".
lol good info, go Catya!

Have you meet any of the girls in person before?

Stacey - Ive meet most of the girls in person, Like i said they think their shit dont stink, Can you please tell me the website or blog you are uploading this info to, I would love to see it.

RenegadeStarr - oh course its what do you think of it?

Stacey - Its great, Thank you very much for your time and intrest, Let me know i you wish to know anymore X

RenegadeStarr - No problem and no THANK YOU! and im sure we'll be talking soon lol. Any last thoughts/opinions ot facts you wanna add?

Stacey - Im the baddest bitch, Fuck Oxygen and fuck all the bad girls that have been on it (minus Tanisha)

RenegadeStarr - I hear that!
I just wanna say thank you for your time and you look gorgeous. Keep doin what you do!

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