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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ripsi from BGC1 ARRESTED!!!!

So a source sent me this info....
Apparently Ripsi was arrested recently for Driving Drunk, and High.

Here is the story:

"Hripsime Terzian, 27, of 34 Flint Road, was arrested on Nov. 17 and charged with operating under the influence of liquor, possession of a Class E drug and unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle. Terzian was found on Maplewood Road, unconscious behind the wheel of her car with the engine running. During inventory, police found 11 Seroquel pills."

Okay so If some of you weren't fans of BGC back when it first aired.
Ripsi was the tiny petite girl, who had a BAD alcohol problem and was drunk 24/7, and got crazy drunk the first couple of nights in and blacked out and went crazy, and beat the shit out of a few of the other girls, and then was voted out of the house.

Pictured below is the original Season 1 Cast, and Ripsi is on the bottom row to the left:
Bad Girls Club Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. she seemed to be on some sort of drugs too? any info on that

  2. Still can't find her on anything

  3. Leave this girl alone she is a angel and way better than u all honestly get a life truly uball should be ashamed she is amazing person so if u don't know her don't judge

    1. Hi Ripsi 👋🏼

    2. I would love to know how she’s doing today
