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Friday, May 13, 2011

Bad Girls Reactions To Christina's Rant Video

Read former Bad Girls response to Christina's Video.

-Ashley from BGC5

A drunk man's words are only his sober thoughs, smdh, but what did you really expect?

The sad thing is...America doesnt get to see everything that goes on in the #bgc house, u think u know but u have no idea

I dont see how any black person (especially women) can watch that video and not be offended, smh, racist ppl #gokillyoself


It really saddens me to see my cast mates on TMZ for all this bullshit. Come on ladies get it together.


I know this wasn't towards me but really @ChristinaBGC5 :( I think that tmz racist rant was wrong :(

Man....people know how to disappoint ...


Omg! Has @ChristinaBGC5 lost her fucking mind! U ignorant trash bag! Nice way to stay relevant u fucking loser! #racistbitch


Some days it is embarrassing being a part of the BGC. Today is one of those days. Sad that one girl can make us all look awful


I can not hudge anyone I saw the racist video she will have to answer for that..but the ppl who keep pushing it are only promoted the racist

things that she and her friends are pls done ask me about or tweet it to me; saw it. Once is enough. * love is better than hate*


  1. it seems to me that her lesbian friend was egging her on...what if she was spewing words that were hateful about lesbians?WE HAVE COME to far as a nation to pay attention to this bologna.The girl was drunk and obviously very drunk *I dont buy that drunk person speaks a sober mind...I have been drunk and woke up like ,I said what...I did whooo?anyway take her to as clean up her act ,and take her to etiquette school.I am a black female and I think she did not mean it...she was very damn drunk and she said foolish things,however I sense her being remorseful.

  2. A.A take her to A.A is what I meant to post in the previous post.
